Ko Te Ākau
Poetics of Land, Water and Sky
Charles Koroneho (NZ)
Te Toki Haruru (NZ)
Ko Te Ākau is a visual arts installation and curated performance program for live and virtual spaces. The project references the collaborative works of artists Ralph Hotere and Bill Culbert and serves as the inspiration for the Ākau, where the ocean meets the land, the horizon connects land, water and sky. The project is a meeting place of difference and the formation of new spaces to explore the performance of community, movement, poetry and ancestral bodies.
Artist Biography:
Te Toki Haruru (NZ)
Charles Koroneho works in the fields of performance and culture. He created Te Toki Haruru (est 1997) to explore cultural collaboration and the intersection between dance, theatre, visual arts and design. His projects are presented as performances, research workshops and arts collaborations exploring the collision between Maori cosmology, New Zealand society and global cultures. https://www.tetokiharuru.com
Filament Eleven 11 (NZ)
Brad Gledhill and Rachel Marlow work collaboratively as Filament Eleven 11 to create dynamic production designs and lighting environments for live experiences. They produce work that puts design and technology at the centre of storytelling in an inventive and unique way. Filament Eleven 11 design for theatre, live music, performance events and art projects. https://www.filamenteleven11.com
Project Credits: